Sie hat mich zurück...
Ich bin heil und in einem Stück aus dem Linnansaari Nationalpark zurück gekommen. Wie erwartet...ausführliche Berichte gibt es später, jetzt muss ich mich erstmal wieder akklimatisieren.
Schön war es.
Danke an alle die an mich gedacht haben bzw. versucht haben mich zu erreichen. Ich konnte leider nicht telefonieren, da mein Handy die einzige Verbindung zur Außenwelt war und ich den Akku schonen musste für den Fall der Fälle.
Aber wie gesagt, später mehr und ausführlicher.
xxx Tine
Wie jetzt? Keine neuen Posts mehr? Ich war gerade voll im Lesefluss. Das kannst Du doch nicht machen! Also bitte Highspeedakklimatisieren aktivieren und ran an die Tasten!
AntwortenLöschenVoller Vorfreude, M*
We met in Iso Tuunaan saari 31:st of July. Since then I´ve been thinking a lot of You Tine. We shared very special moments by the campfire talking just about anything. As I wrote in the book you found, I felt as if we`d known each others allways. Your views of life occured to be very similar to mine, that is very rare in any relationship, and eventually we were together quite a short time! I`m going to follow your adventure by this blog of yours and hope from the bottom of my heart, that the best is yet to come into your life and that you`ll find what you`re looking for. My german is unfortunately so bad that I´ll use english in my comments. All the pictures You´ve been taking amazed me over and over again, how deeply beautiful Finland really is. I`ll enjoy seeing my country through your pictures and words. And after that where ever your path is goin`n to take you. Take allways good care of You Tine, with best wishes Päivi
AntwortenLöschenThank you so much for everything my little soulmate...
LöschenTine, it was very wonderful to find your message in my mailbox! I was afraid of messing things up by missusing these modern ways of communication, whilst I´m quite an oldfashioned woman in getting in touch with anybody.
AntwortenLöschenI admired your beutifully pronounced and fluently rolling english in the amazing summer night we met! I would have listened you nomatter how long. Therefore I immediately got the idea of "penfriends", can you still remember, I asked you if you wrote any letters. You´ve allready noticed that it´s easy to me express myself by writing, I´ve allways been troubled by talking. Writing is near my heart and I do regularly sort out my head, all my thoughts, feelings, fears, joys and everything else by let evrything float out of me on the paper. However, you said that writing letters isn´t your thing, I can live with that. Maybe oneday you´ll find yourself writing letters and if that´s going ever to happen, I hope I´d be one of the lucky ones to receive your letter!
You are a very courageous and daring woman making your dreams true, shaking your fears by going out to the whole wide world, where ever you choose to go. That`s something very special and worthy of respect, really truly
estimable thing to do all by yourself. I´ll continually be involved in the spirit of your daily adventures, hoping that your feet keep strong and carry you unwaveringly through out all state of affairs there`ll occure. I believe in miracles, and in you I could see and feel the Miracle. You are one of the a million, take good care of yourself Tine, With best wishes Päivi
Hallo Tine. Nur mal so kurz zwischendurch; Glaub bloss nicht, ich denk nicht an Dich ! Freue mich sehr, dass Du es offensichtlich super schön hast und "beneide" Dich ein wenig :-) gönne es Dir aber von Herzen.
AntwortenLöschenGanz liebe Grüsse, pass auf Dich auf und hab weiterhin eine so schöne Reise, Dein Kollege Tom